You Have the Right to Remain Dead!

you can't keep a good cop down... Officer Nick Cruz was murdered by an unseen perp, and now he's traded a hundred years of service to the R.I.P.D. (yes... the Rest In Peace Department) in exchange for a shot at finding his killer...
my comic shop was having a great sale on graphic novels, so i copped this collection since i recognized the art of
Lucan Marangon (Abyss), and this mess turned out to be the BOMB! the art and writing on this book is fun and bouncy... Marangon and inker Randy Emberlin do a great job of capturing the tone of the MIB meets Ghostbusters script by Peter Lenkov. the Rest In Peace Department is staffed by cops from many eras (some of whom you may recognize), all serving that big Commissioner in the sky, putting escapees from the underworld back where they belong!
cop it cheap here.

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