"I'm Sarcastic"

whaddup, fam!?! here's the best one of the avatar/portraits i been workin' on... for this, i drew and inked it by hand, then scanned and colored it in photoshop.

nicole, the model/client loved it. the project was a lotta fun! my life is upside down... the good news is you can expect to see more comics from me and my people (ghostWerks is da SQUAD!!!), and i'm trying to keep busy, busy busy doing art... thanks to lots and lots of drawing and reading comics, i do NOT have an ulser... art is great therapy!

i got a new J-O-B (which is either good news or bad news depending on when you ask), which MAY keep your boy off the street.



-Michael said...

love this one

-Michael said...

I came back here to post a comment. I was like, "man, I gotta tell him how hot this drawing is."

I got here and I'd already said it many moons ago! Ha!

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